Energy, menopause & healing

Energy management was the missing piece of the jigsaw of healing & growth for me.

Did you know an atom is 99.9999999999% ‘empty’ space – energy & only 0.0000000001% matter?

How often have you picked up on someone else’s energy…when someone walks into a room in a foul mood you can sense it immediately can’t you? Likewise, when someone lights up the room with their presence their energy is energy is palpable.

It’s all energy.

And being mindful of our energy especially during the menopause is especially helpful.

In the peak of my worst menopausal moments, my energy was all over the place. I then discovered that I’m HSP (highly sensitive) which means I am inclined to absorb other people’s energy. As soon as I discovered that some of it was someone else’s energy I could let it go, give it back to them metaphysically speaking, so I was less likely get caught up in the drama & drain my energy even more.

Knowing that being over-committed can overwhelm me really quickly so rather than powering through like I used to do until I was broken, I take some time when it’s all a bit hectic to slow down & recharge.

If I don’t things can get a bit chaotic. This then escalates the menopausal symptoms.

The drop in oestrogen we experience during the menopause causes a spike cortisol levels, the stress hormone. My autonomic nervous system is already busy managing this, I don’t need to overpower with more stress. I need to help to balance it by doing some self-care, balancing the nervous system. This then helps me to manage my menopausal symptoms better.

Just this last week I had a timely reminder to watch my energy. After a really busy week fraught with silly hiccups we had a busy weekend ahead. I could feel I was off kilter & couldn’t put my finger on it. I was snapping at the kids & feeling overwhelmed. I didn’t know what was going on but I was definitely off.

I was wondering if it was the menopause? Maybe it was just that I was at maximum capacity & there was nothing left but I needed to dig deep cuz the previous week’s set-backs needed to be resolved & I felt flat out? Was it the paradigm shift & all the energy associated with that? But the thing that was bugging me most was not being able to put my finger on it!

I wrapped my wrist with rose quartz & amethyst mala beads for their protecting calming abilities and sailed through the weekend’s events, relishing them…phew!

That evening I stood reflecting on the previous week wriggling the bell to entice the cat in for the night & had a mini ah ha moment: I needed to be more mindful of overcommitting & protect my energy. And it made me smile that the crystals had done their job because they gave me a compassionate boost to enable me to open my heart to what was going on.

It wasn’t all hormonal, I didn’t need to call my doctor & change my HRT (again), it was just energy & I can manage that. And you can too, it’s a skill like anything. And essentially it’s all about self-care. And then self-care starts to become a virtuous circle.

I find doing things like meditating in the bath is really helpful for boosting my energy levels & so that’s on the cards for me tonight! Some of my clients like taking mindful showers & imagine the water washing away anything that no longer serves them.

Doing an energy clearing meditation really helps too. And of course making sure you fit in some fun which is brilliant for boosting your energy levels.

And having the skill to manage your energy costs nothing but creates subtle but profound shifts which are so important in the healing & growing process.

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