About Me


How you can create the life you have always dreamed of with yoga & mindfulness (& lots lots more!)

yoga & meditation have been such a huge part of my journey over the past decade. i have used both practices to recover from major lung surgery & mental illness, to navigate the tricky waters of divorce & everything in between!

I believe so wholeheartedly in these practices & the importance of using them to create daily self-care rituals that nurture & nourish ourselves that I trained to teach yoga & mindfulness so that I could help others to create an easier way of living & being, like I have done.

then i got hit by the menopause. cue awful brain fog, no memory, 0-100 in a nanosecond, mood swings, anxiety & panic attacks. it broke me into a million pieces. all i could do is keep practicing, doing the spiritual work & embrace this huge transition as an opportunity to heal, grow & transform. I can honestly say a year or so later that i am thriving & happier than ever & you can be too!

Over the years as I have evolved so have my practices  & with it my own learning & growth. i embrace a multitude of disciplines: yoga & meditation, gratitude & nature, energy management, the quantum field, self-compassion, manifestation & the law of attractions. I bring elements of all of these & many more holistic practices into my classes, 1-2-1 sessions & online programs.

i am a menopause warrior & so are you! when you work with me I will guide you through this huge transition to help you create a life you have always dreamed of so your next decades are the best years of your life!

I believe self-care is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. self-care isn’t time consuming, self-indulgent, extravagant or expensive. but it is essential: just few short minutes everyday to invested in ourselves & the benefits are massive!

Not only only do we start to feel better in ourselves & about ourselves, fitter, healthier & happier, more resilient. We also have more resources to to share with those we love, we can’t after all pour from an empty cup. By slowing down & taking sometime for ourselves, we actually end up creating more time, have more energy for ourselves & others, we can do more, achieve more, we are more productive & creative. And when we model the beautiful art of self-care to our family, not only do they respect this time we carve for ourselves but they start to embrace their own self-care rituals, what a gift to give them!

Self-care & my daily practices have helped me navigate a multitude of life events. And although these experiences were heart-breaking & gut-wrenching, the breakthroughs have always evolved reaffirming my belief in all these practices & introducing yet more amazing practices that have changed my life…catch me on a melodramatic day I’ll even go so far as to say have saved my life!

These practices & a commitment to my own self-care rituals have guided me in discovering that all I sought out there was actually within. All the happiness, love, joy & fun which I thought I could find outside was actually inside. This is such a comfort, creates a real sense of belonging, inner peace & serenity that is just liberating. I can guide you on a similar journey of discovery & freedom.

If you work with me, online, in classes or 1-2-1, I will share a multitude of spiritual & scientific (I love marrying geeky science with out-there spiritual) practices that go beyond yoga & mindfulness to help you create a way of being & the kind of life you have always dreamed of. I will also help you to craft a self-care regime that is easy to fit in around your busy schedule & hectic life.

What My Clients Say About Me

Before I started practicing yoga with Alex I was a typical ‘gym and spin’ type of girl all the way! I felt that unless I was bouncing around the place I wasn’t burning calories or getting stronger. How wrong was I! I attended some one-to-one sessions with Alex initially so that I felt confident with the poses, and her teaching style helped me quickly grow in confidence. The slower pace took some getting used to but I have most definitely improved my strength and flexibility through practicing yoga and it is now part of my weekly fitness routine. I look forward to my sessions with Alex and recommend her whole-heartedly.
I absolutely love my Yoga and meditation sessions with Alex. I find yoga and meditation keeps me calm positive and focused. Alex is incredibly kind and patient, a passionate and understanding tutor who offers excellent practice with insights. As a larger woman 16 1/2 stone she makes me feel incredibly comfortable about exercise and my body and always points out the positive that I don't see in myself. By practicing meditation and mindfulness Alex has shown me a way to be kinder to myself and others. If you need to stop "getting in your own way" then I highly recommend Alex for all things yoga, meditation and fun.
Mindfulness was always something I had wanted to do and I chose Alex to help me on this journey because of her knowledge and expertise in this area. Our 1:1 sessions were perfect for me. I felt comfortable asking questions and discussing the different aspects of mindfulness with Alex that would suit my needs. I really looked forward to my sessions with Alex and was amazed at how much we achieved. If you are looking for someone to guide you in Mindfulness I highly recommend you call Alex, she's a wonderful teacher.
I wish more people would invest in themselves. I loved how Alex tailored each session to my needs and abilities, checked in frequently to see what was and wasn't working, was super flexible and always had a backup plan when a pose was simply not possible or too much. The progress was amazing, and she's gently but steadily introducing new poses that challenge and expand on the previous weeks and months. I love Alex's in-depth knowledge of yoga paired with her very real and down-to-earth approach to teaching it. I celebrate it as 'me time' and am amazed at how much better I feel after only 8 weeks