Menopause: better than ever…

I am delighted to be supporting the amazing Harley St at Home who have recently launched their online offer with yoga & mindfulness & meditation classes  – it’s an absolutely brilliant resource for women in their peri-menopause or menopause & really affordable, jam-packed with useful & fascinating content (and I’m not saying that as a blatant plug but because I truly believe this is such a fabulous resource for women!)

I recently did an interview with the founder Nigel Denby & received the beautiful feedback (see the pic above). I was so grateful to know speaking out openly & candidly about my own menopause experience could help, maybe even inspire other women to embrace this transition as an opportunity to turn their lives around to make them better than ever.

My interview with Nigel is the first time I have spoken publically about my menopause journey. I have shared bits here & on social media as I am passionate about breaking down the taboo’s that surround things like menopause & mental health & about supporting women who I can so relate to because, well you’re me.

Of course I’ve confided in my close friends but I’d never spoken on camera about my menopause journey before.

I am humbled to receive some really positive feedback & it got me reflecting on how I went about creating a life that is better than ever.

Self-care has been a really valuable part of my menopause journey. I know I bang on about it all the time but it’s so important & especially during this huge transition of the menopause.

Self-care is different for everyone. For me it’s all about yoga, meditation, mindfulness, gratitude & time in nature. It’s about managing my energy levels, knowing what drains me & replenishing myself before & afterwards so I don’t get burnt out. It’s about trusting my body to know what it needs & when & honouring that.

When you start investing in yourself a little you start to feel better, & this starts to show on the outside too & you start to look & feel better than ever.

And all because you took some time to invest in yourself.

The menopause is an opportunity to reflect on our lives & make some subtle changes which create profound changes & a life that is better than ever.

Why is investing in yourself so important?

Well in this day & age many of us are exposed to habitual & continual environmental & mental stressors which some of us aren’t even aware of.

And these external stresses can start to impact our internal chemistry. Long term stress activates 800 genes associated with dis-ease because it keeps the autonomic nervous system all out of whack because the sympathetic nervous system is over activated.

Taking some time for yourself starts to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, the rest & digest response. This is important because it starts to bring the autonomic nervous system back into alignment & body can do all the things it can’t do when it’s in survival mode, including healing. This turns on 600 different genes associated with better health.

Practicing yoga & meditation, anything that nurtures & nourishes you, are valuable ways to activate your parasympathetic nervous system & bring your life & health into balance.

Thank you so much to Nigel & his team for inspiring me! To find out more check out the website here:

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