The Story Behind the Colours of the chakras

What are the colours of the chakras?

Each of yoga’s seven chakra energy centres is associated with a specific colour, which is said to symbolize the different aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being:

Root – Red for grounding, stability, security, our foundation here in our earthly realm

Sacral – Orange representing passion, creativity, enthusiasm & joy

Solar Plexus – Yellow for our inner fire, our confidence, determination, will

Heart – Green for love, compassion, harmony

Throat – Blue for self-expression, communication, blue symbolising openness & clarity

3rd Eye – Indigo for intuition, insight, wisdom, awareness

Crown – Violet for spiritual connection with Universal consciousness

Why do the chakras have colours?

Each colour is associated with the frequency of energy that resonates at each of the chakras.

When the chakras are in balance & alignment the energy flows & the chakras colour is vibrant & clear.

But if energy is not flowing and the chakras aren’t in balance & harmony, the colour may be dull, or blotchy.

The colours are there for guidance so we know where we may need to focus to restore balance & equilibrium.

The colours themselves also assist in bringing the chakras back into balance & coherence.

This promotes physical, mental & emotional wellbeing.

How did the Chakras get their Colours?

It’s believed the Rishi’s saw the colours whilst meditating.

The colours are tangible expressions of vibrant energy flowing within us which can help to deepen our connection to these energy centres.

What’s the benefit of aligning with your chakras?

Balancing these centres you will discover profound impacts on your physical, mental & emotional well-being: increased energy, emotional stability, mental clarity, inner equilibrium, peace & calm, reflected in your external realm.

You’ll find yourself navigating life’s challenges with more grace & ease.

You’ll radiate positive energy, changing relationships & manifesting your heart’s desires.

You’ll feel more connected, experience increased self-awareness & start to uncover a profound sense of purpose.

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