Creating a self-compassion break

In the last blog I wrote about self-compassion.

One of the easiest ways to start practicing self-compassion is to give ourselves a self-compassion break.

And often practicing something before we actually need it makes it easier to turn to it in a time of need.

Start by placing your hands on your heart. Notice their warmth & how comforting & soothing they feel. Scientific research has been done that suggests the weight & warmth of our hands on our heart, where there is a concentration of nerve endings actually provides a source of comfort & helps soothe us.

Breathe in & out with deliberate, long, smooth, mindful breaths.

If you extend the exhalation slightly longer than the inhalation this activates the relaxation response.

Now say these words:
This is a moment of suffering
Suffering is part of life
May I be kind to myself
May I give myself the compassion I need

The first phrase channels mindfulness; the second refers to our interconnectedness; the third is about self-kindness – if you remember these are the 3 components to self-compassion & the final phrase reinforces that sense of self-compassion.

Once you get used to giving yourself occasional self-compassion breaks, when the going gets tough & you need to soothe & comfort yourself, this will become part of your arsenal of coping mechanisms.

You can play around with the words or even write your own self-compassion mantra – just remember to encompass the 3 elements of self-compassion: self-kindness; common humanity & mindfulness.

Wishing you all a kind, compassionate & mindful New Year!

For more information on adopting a more self-compassionate approach in 2019 email me at


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