In time of such uncertainty, struggle, suffering & conflict we can often feel powerless & helpless, what can we do to help?
One of the most powerful things you can do is to raise your vibration.
It may feel contrite to talk about being happy for no reason when so many are struggling & suffering. But being able to cultivate an inner happiness that is not dependent on outside factors is where our power lies.
Look at Ghandi, Mandela, His Holiness the Dalai Lama who all cultivated deep compassion, understanding & forgiveness for their persecutors & in so doing so transformed their experience.
We are energetic beings we resonate an energy. When there is so much fear & doubt pervading our external environment we can absorb that energy.
Where our attention goes, energy flows. If we are constantly focusing on the bad news, where is our energy going? to the bad stuff. This energy resonates on a low vibration so the energetic match is also low vibration: the worst possible scenario playing out in the worst possible way.
By practicing heart centred practices, we bring out attention to our heart. Energy goes towards our heart. Raising the vibration of the heart. Raising the vibration, we are resonating at leads to higher vibrational matches.
We can raise our vibration by practicing heart centres practices. This week I will be sharing some of my favourite tips to become more heart centred.
A compassionate world begins with each one of us. Did you know happiness spreads at least 5 deep?
That means by resonating at a higher vibrational energy that comes from inner happiness, this has a ripple effect beyond us. This is how we begin to raise the collective consciousness by our own little steps.
The Dali Lama has said if we taught all children around the world to meditate we would have a peaceful world in a generation.
I believe that we chose to incarnate on this earth at this time because we are being called to raise the collective consciousness of the planet to bring at end to all this chaos, fear & doubt. We are being called to raise our own vibration to raise the collective consciousness.
I hope you will join me live on FB & Instagram this week as I share some of my favourite heart centred practices so that you too can raise your vibration, which has a ripple effect to the wider community.