Energies of New Beginnings

Last Monday was the Spring Equinox, when daylight & night time is practically equal in length. The following day was the new Moon in Aries, the start of the Astrological & energetic new year. A time of renewal, rebirth, new beginnings, opportunities & possibilities.

Last night I was reflecting on how I have felt & seen this energy manifest in our life over the past few days.

My tall 15 year old, sport-mad son has the box room in our home. The room was badly designed with a cabin bed resting on kitchen cabinets & more kitchen cabinets mounted on the walls imposing on the already impossibly small room.

I checked with the landlords if they were happy for us to do some renovations to make better use of the room. They were. We were on!

Akiro chose the bed, shelves, design & colour scheme & helped by a friend from the rugby club, began to make his vision a reality. I decorated the room. His Dad moved he radiator & put up his monitor for the PS4.

This in itself is epic. My husband & I separated over 7 years ago. It was an acrimonious & toxic divorce & the relationship has been strained at best. We haven’t spent time in each other’s company & previous history makes it very hard for me to ask for his help. To do both was quite the leap of faith.

Over the past few weeks of the renovations we have been in the same space for several hours, inconceivable not very long ago & it has been easy & amicable. I feel optimistic of a new beginning in our relationship which offers our kids a more amicable & support co-parenting dynamic. A new beginning for sure.

My son is absolutely delighted with his new room – his smile says it all & actually that’s all that really matters!

Have you felt any energetic shifts around renewal, rebirth new beginnings?

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