What is Face Yoga?

It’s a completely natural non-invasive way to turn back time.
By combining facial exercises with conscious breathing & relaxation, acupressure & massage Face Yoga is a pro-ageing practice which helps you look & feel better.
Did you know we have up to 60 muscles in our face?
And that our face has the highest concentration of muscles in our entire body?
And that our skin is the largest organ in our body?
Whilst we use our face & therefore our facial muscles everyday smiling, chewing, frowning these movements aren’t conscious & intentional & can cause what’s known as dynamic wrinkles.
Initially they aren’t there all the time but over time they become static wrinkles because collagen, elastin & hyalouric acid in our skin declines.

Face Yoga works these tiny little muscles which benefit from regular & little movements in different poses which leads to…
…fewer wrinkles & less defined facial lines
…smoother forehead
…firmer more glowing skin
…more defined jawline
…fewer lines around the mouth area
…increased confidence from looking & feeling great
In our 90 min workshops you will…
…learn simple, easy & fun facial exercises
…discover acupressure points in your face to boost circulation & enhance physical wellbeing
…find out how massaging your face helps to boost elastin & collagen & how to do it
…practice conscious breathing to increase the follow oxygen to your body & face
…relax with a meditative conscious relaxation practice
Got some questions? Let me address 3 the most common questions…

Will it give me wrinkles?
No! We know that repeating the wrong unconscious movements can lead to unwanted wrinkles but learning how to move your face intentionally in the right way can prevent & even diminish wrinkles all completely naturally, non-invasively. And you’ll have fun in the process!
Do I have to do all the poses everyday?
No! You can choose to focus on a different area of your face every day or you can do a more generic practice for the whole face changing the movements regularly. But a little & often has better results than doing a long session once a week.
How long do I have to practice before I start seeing results?
Some people see results almost immediately in just a couple of weeks. For others it’s a subtle shift but no more dramatic. This is normal because the results on our face appear slowly overtime.
I noticed an impact after just a couple of months of doing Face Yoga daily & not long after I was being complimented so it was starting to show! I’m not bragging, just showing you that it works!
Indeed in a study in Northwestern University, Illinois, USA people practiced 30 minutes a day to lift & tighten the cheek areas & look for youthful & in 20 weeks their facial appearance had changed so much & reduced the visible signs of ageing by reducing their estimated average age by 3 years & all the participants were over 50!

But like I’ve already said, practice – regular & often is preferable to longer once in a blue moon practices. Face Yoga is a practice just like meditation, mindfulness, yoga, gratitude, self-compassion are too.
I like to add some face yoga practices to my morning yoga routine & finish the day with a gentle facial massage to relax by face before bed.
But some people like to practice when they are doing the dishes or in the car.
It doesn’t matter where & when you do it, what’s important like all practices it to do it.
The more you practice the more neuron’s this fires up in your brain making it easier to find the time to fit it in because it becomes just a natural part of your life.
And these subtle little shifts in the way you are living literally changes how you are being – life starts to flow & you start to feel good about yourself, so then you start to look better in yourself & it creates a virtual circle!
Combining simple exercises with acupressure, massage & conscious breathing & relaxation & you will notice…
…fewer headaches
…better circulation with increased blood flow to the skin
…increased confidence from looking & feeling great
…an improved sense of feeling more in control
…clarity of mind
…more intentional, conscious facial & bodily movements
It’s 100% natural. Completely non-invasive. Pro-ageing it gives you 100% control over how you look & feel!

Face Yoga is back! This Saturday 11th Sept 2-3.30pm on Zoom!
To find out more email me at alex@alexbannard.com