Menopause reflections & how practice helps…

Last week I took time to reflect on my own menopause journey.

This time last year I was utterly miserable my menopausal symptoms were so bad. At best I felt stuck, lost & broken. At my worst I wished I was dead. I didn’t even feel like I was existing, let alone living. There were way too many times that ending things seemed the only way. I lost count of the number of times I stood at the side of the bypass which backs onto a field I walk the dog in willing myself to step out in front of a lorry.

Life was so chaotic & I was so broken I just didn’t know any other way.

Fortunately, I know enough about mental health battles, which together with my mindfulness training enabled me to recognise these thoughts as the unhealthy thoughts of mental health…or lack thereof. I would remind myself these are NOT normal, healthy, rational thoughts.

As I discovered more about menopause I began to realise these horribly chaotic & frightening thoughts & feelings can be related to or caused by the menopause.

Yes, I took HRT – frankly I felt the way I was feeling was beyond the scope of flower petals. But I also did The Work: I practiced yoga & meditation regularly, spent time in nature, practiced gratitude & I carved out time to make this a priority this because it made me feel better mentally, physically & emotionally. I listened to Audible books to understand various different spiritual concepts better, then I read the books, I attended workshops, I protected my energy, taking time to self-care everyday & more often if things got a little overwhelming, honouring my human design & my HSP tendencies.

Over time the most miraculous changes started to happen. Almost imperceptible if I hadn’t been paying attention but over time they added up to quite significant shifts.

And then I began to see the menopause as this most amazing gift: a time of great transition for many women, we can choose to let it define us in a negative way or we can choose to finally make ourselves a priority in our own lives, do the The Work & become who we were always meant to be.

It made me realize how important it is for me to be serving you. I am that menopausal woman, you are my tribe. I get you, you’re me. I know how devastating the symptoms can be, how chaotic & unmanageable they can make your life but I also know this can be the catalyst for a real change, transformation & healing so the next chapter of your life is the best chapter of your life.

Yoga is a huge part of my life & a huge part of this journey & not just because I teach it.

I teach yoga because I KNOW it works:

…it’s great for maintaining your physical health & fitness (I’m 51 & the healthiest & fittest I have ever been)

…it helps to calm the mind so it’s brilliant for your soul, mental & emotional health & wellbeing (it’s helped to give me the time & space to create the peace & calm within I’d been looking for out there).

I also know it works because I see it working for my clients. One of my clients has experienced profound shifts because of her commitment to practicing yoga regularly.

So how can you tap into the wonderful world of yoga with me?

Join via Zoom on the following days…

…Wed 9.30am: Yin Yoga – slow down & turn inwards

…Wed 6.30pm: Yang & Yin Yoga – warm up with sun salutations & open up with yin

…Sat 10am: Wake-up & Flow – a powerful & dynamic start to the weekend

…Sun 10am: Yoga for Runners – building flexibility & strength to reduce injury

Or you can join me live here every Wednesday

at 11am for an Asana Workshop – focusing on 1 asana (yoga speak for pose) to enhance your practice.

Or you can go on your own self-led journey with the fabulous Couch to Yoga Mat program (currently ½ price for Nhs & Care-home workers). Think a more nurturing & nourishing Couch to 5k. 29 different yoga practices, all 30-40 mins long so they are easy to fit into your busy life.

Or for a more bespoke approach I also work 1-2-1 with a small selection of clients to create your very own package for self-care, wellness & wellbeing.

Alternatively, meditation & mindfulness may be more your bag? Our M&M Workshop is on Zoom every Thursday at 4.30pm

This is one of my favourite classes because I never know what to expect next with it!

It’s a very safe space & a very small group & I have seen some really interesting shifts for some of the people who join us regularly.

One of my clients recently said that meditating with us & practicing yoga had been more helpful to help him get through lockdown than anything a doctor could’ve given him.

And I’m like I KNOW that’s what it’s like!

And then you start to miss your practice if you don’t do it!

When I committed to a regular formal meditation practice by studying meditation over several months in several Buddhist Meditation courses run by my amazing friend Violaine, I set an intention with myself to practice every day. And eventually meditating is such a natural & normal part of my life, my health & wellbeing.

But yoga, meditation & mindfulness are just part of the foundation for my own wellness & wellbeing. I practice gratitude everyday, take time in nature daily & I make self-care a priority. It’s not self-indulgent, time consuming it is a daily ritual. I know I am a better mum, friend, entrepreneur, in short just better to be around if I take some time to do what serves me.

Self-care isn’t all bubble baths & chocolate, it’s doing the work, being conscious in all you do & are but after a while that’s not an effort at all it’s natural & then beautiful serendipitous moments arise!

Join me in the journey of a life time by practicing yoga, meditation, mindfulness & a whole host of holistic tools. I can’t help but share what I am learning so if you work with me, we delve much deeper…but it’s fun!

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