My own journey working with the chakras has ebbed & flowed over the years. As a trained yoga teacher I was of course aware of the chakras but as a peri-menopausal women I couldn’t get my head around them all!
When we lived in Bangkok I used to write for an Expat magazine & one day was invited to have my chakras read in return for a write-up. Why not! I was surprised when the woman doing the chakra reading used a machine to show me the colours in my energetic field & where my chakras were in alignment or not so much.
I have to admit I sceptical, I thought she would read my energy not use a machine. Of course I know everything’s energy so maybe the machine could just read the electro magnet field around my body, like some people can! Who knows.
I followed her 7 week practice, focusing each week on each chakra & when I returned the chakras were certainly more in alignment, I was fascinated.

I started practicing Yin yoga & my interest in the chakras was reawakened. I did some teacher training & began teaching Yin yoga. I started to introduce the chakras gently to my clients & see the impact it was having.
And it all began slotting into place.
So trust me, you don’t need to know what each chakra does or is called, it’s colour or seed sound. Trust the process.
Just bringing your awareness to each of these energetic centres brings energy to them.
I have also discovered in my own journey: a decade self-discovery, learning, healing, practicing & teaching yoga, mindfulness & meditation all over the world understanding the what & the why, the how just seems to take care of itself.