Post natal mum’s & baby yoga – the benefits & a NEW class!

Women are natural givers and once we become a mum, we tend to put ourselves right at the bottom of the list of priorities but self-care is critical for well-being. Taking some time everyday to do a little something for yourself makes it much easier to keep giving mentally, emotionally, physically & spiritually to your family. It can be a little as a few minutes a day to either meditate, or enjoy a quiet cuppa, whatever nourishes you and makes you feel better will replenish your reserves…it’s not selfish, it’s self-care!

Finding time once a week to go to a postnatal yoga class or a baby yoga & massage class, or even better, one that combines both gives mum invaluable time connecting with your baby, whilst using gentle movement, balance, stretches, breath awareness & relaxation techniques allows your body to recover from pregnancy and birth.


Babies benefit from the physical, physiological & psychological benefits of yoga & massage. These include: engaging with your baby on a regular basis sets the foundation for future regular activity & engagement; baby massage & baby yoga is well known for helping to soothe babies & aid better sleep; alleviating the symptoms of wind & colic. Tactile stimulation has been known to aid the development of the brain and nervous system, whilst the active interaction & joint relaxation is enormously beneficial for building the bond of strong connection between mum & baby.

Becoming a mum is life-changing, whether it is for the first time or 2nd, 3rd maybe even 4th time round. Modern society can be extremely isolating especially when we need a sense of community like when we become a mum, so having the opportunity to pop along to a regular class where there are other parents in a similar boat can provide a much needed sense of community & support. Sharing both the joys & challenges of motherhood can help it feel les overwhelming.


Engaging in gentle movement, balancing & stretching can help improve flexibility & muscle tone helping your body return to its former glory. The breathing techniques & relaxation can help really help manage the mental, emotional & spiritual challenges of parenthood. Indeed, there has even been research that suggests postnatal yoga can significantly help prevent postpartum depression.

If you are interested in exploring postnatal yoga whilst actively engaging your baby in baby massage & yoga, MYAnanda has linked up with The Health Hub in Evesham to offer Mum’s & Baby Yoga course from 6th November – 11th December inclusive, which costs £60. Each class is 45 minutes long, so that baby is not overstimulated. For more details email me at or pop into the Health hub to book your place on this unique course. Places are limited to 12 Mum & Baby couples, so don’t delay, book today!

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