In the past year I’ve experienced what can only be described as a spiritual awakening and I’m not alone.
Many people have had similar experiences. I’m not sure if it’s because we have had a chance to slow down, turn inwards, get still & silent & do what I like to call The Work (inner work & practice). Or whether it has been born out of necessity – life has been tougher than many generations have experienced. Maybe it’s a little bit of both?

For me it was definitely the case. I certainly enjoyed a simpler, slower, (easier even?) pace of life. I didn’t mind not having anything much to do because it gave me the space & time I needed to do the healing & learn the lessons. As an HSP, I can easily get overwhelmed when there is too much going on. I really like a simpler, easier, slower pace of life. And no FOMO…how liberating!
I was also at breaking point by the end of the summer last year. I have experienced mental health wobbles & breakdowns before & whilst they have always been the catalyst for change somehow I never quite ‘got there’.
This time was different: it was catastrophic & there were some really dark moments when the only way out felt life threateningly permanent & scary. But it was the breakdown I needed because it was the catalyst for a really important breakthrough which I can only describe as a spiritual awakening.
It is often said that the Universe will keep giving you the same lessons, making them more & more unbearable until you learn them. And this was certainly the case for me. After all, if you think about it we choose to incarnate on this beautiful planet earth for a reason & this can include learning some really valuable lessons.

It isn’t always pretty & all love & light. Facing your demons & walking the path of a Spiritual Warrior is a gut-wrenching, heart-breaking, soul-searching journey. I was lucky that with the support of some amazing people & working hard, doing The Work, turning to my practices of yoga, mindfulness, meditation, daily time in nature, a daily practice of gratitude & many more the lessons started to come thick & fast & the bounce-back was pretty quick all things considering but no less profound.
My spiritual journey includes some really simple, some may say obvious, lessons which have really shifted my perception of my world. Some of these lessons I have talked about before & some I will elaborate on more over the coming months.
I understand & just ‘know’ that everything happens for a reason; every experience is an opportunity for healing & growth; I have a faith & unquestioning belief that we are being looked after & taken care of; I know that by slowing down, getting still & silent that creative solutions will arise; I realise now that you do have to love yourself before you can truly accept love from someone else or give it.
I believe that everything is a choice: love, happiness, fun, joy, peace & calm; that having fun, being in flow, feeling good is the natural state the Universe wants us to live in & that by choosing to be so & enjoying the journey rather than focusing on the destination life becomes easier & more fun. Knowing this I now trust the process, the journey, knowing it’s all coming in the perfect timing for the greatest good of us all.

I understand life is all about our perception because whatever you believe you will find & I understand the science which supports this: our RAS will always find evidence to support our fears & limiting beliefs & wherever your attention goes, energy flows which is supported by Heiselberg’s Uncertainty Principle which states that our perception of an object can literally change it (in the simplest of terms).
I like to bring everything that I am learning on my own journey into everything I share with my clients.

If you would like to find out how you can bring yoga, mindfulness, meditation, nature, gratitude, energy work, self-compassion & so much more can help you live happier, healthier more meaningful & spiritual life message me today on