Many women experience meno-rage & increased irritability during the menopause.
Not only are hormonal levels fluctuating so dramatically that your body is in physiological & chemical stress, which activates the SNS, your fight or flight response, your ANS is all out of whack.

This makes stress levels more exaggerated & stress exaggerates menopause symptoms.
Layer on many women are over-roled, balancing energy, space & time for everyone else except herself. Responsibility overload. It’s no wonder this can explode in anger, frustration & irritability. It’s a sign, of an imbalance.
Time to slow down, reflect on the triggers, pause: rest, limit stress, find balance & befriend yourself so you don’t burn out.
In short time to take time for you.

Menopause is an awakening. And meno-rage invites us to make peace with our past & befriend our emotions, whilst letting go of the layers of guilt & shame that accompany meno-rage.
This awakening stirs things up, our senses become more sensitive, things start to change inside & we may have every right to feel angry. In the wise words of Donna Ashworth: One day an army of furious women will take over the world…and I want to be there at the front.
Too bloody right.
Practicing yoga with me every Wednesday will support you on your menopause journey, introducing you to breath techniques & yoga poses to help alleviate symptoms, calm your nervous system, bringing you back into balance.

Techniques to calm the nervous system help you to re-calibrate if you do blow your top with acceptance, kindness & compassion, just as you would show a dear friend.
Reframing meno-rage as a cleansing process which helps to clear out what no longer serves you & embracing the spiritual transformation that is all part of the menopause journey.