Do you feel stressed?
Are the pressures of this 3rd lockdown beginning to take their toll even though we are seeing light at the end of the tunnel?
Is the prospect of transitioning out of lockdown & back to whatever real life holds for us starting to feel overwhelming?
Do you feel anxious or a bit frazzled?
If you answered YES MYAnanda’s Mini Retreat maybe just what you need.

A little bit of stress is necessary, helpful even, it gives us some purpose & a little bit of fire to get things done. Too much stress over a sustained period is when stress becomes a problem. Although it’s not stress itself that harms us but our reactions to it. The most notable reaction: not being aware of the chronic levels of stress many of us are operating under. And this can lead to burnout, when everything feels just too much, the tiniest thing pushes us over the edge, we are frazzled, overwhelmed, anxious & basically stressed.
In this retreat you will spend a whole morning relaxing & alleviating the symptoms of stress. You will also discover valuable tools to identify & manage stress & the layers of anxiety, overwhelm & feeling frazzled that often accompany stress.
Did you know yoga is an excellent way to relieve stress & calm your mind, balancing your emotions & giving you some much needed space physically & mentally?

Did you know that meditation is a fantastic way to engage the prefrontal cortex to offset stresses & bring the nervous system back in alignment offsetting the feelings of overwhelm & stress?
Did you know that mindfulness helps you to become more aware of how you are feeling & what you are thinking so that you take a kindful action step to make you feel better?
During this retreat I will lead you through 2 different styles of yoga practice so that you can experience for yourself how by synchronising bodily movements with the breath you can feel some profound shifts & channel some much-needed inner peace & calm.
We will explore different aspects of stress & how we can also use mindfulness & meditation to identify stress & calm a frazzled mind.
And we will practice 2 different meditations, whilst also introducing you to different breath work techniques & much much more!
These are all techniques I know work because I have used them my self. I have first hand experience of overcoming extreme stress, anxiety & overwhelm for myself.
I was so stressed with everything that had been going on during first lockdown (blended families, up to my ears in menopause, mental health wobbles, solo parenting…the same trials & tribulations we all did) that the tiniest thing was the straw that broke the camels back. And it did. Except the camel didn’t break, I did!
I broke into a millions pieces & having been in dark places before it was horribly familiar. Thankfully I have an arsenal of holistic tools & practices I use in these situations, accumulated over the years so the gaps between these wobbles gets further apart & my coping strategies are better so the bounce back is quicker & easier, more fun & usually really exciting & insightful. I have come to see these blips as a catalyst to better times!
So I come to you with a wealth of lived experience combined with a fervent passion for self-development & learning (I am always exploring new practices & tools), a geeky obsession for combining spirituality with science (as I understand it…Brain Cox I’m not!), decades of my own practice & years of teaching yoga & mindfulness around the world.
I would love to share some of the things I have learnt in my own struggles to make life easier, more fun, happier & enjoyable. Because, you know, life doesn’t have to be a struggle or stressful.
So please join me on Sunday 14th March 1-4pm online for a morning of yoga & mindfulness. Take some time to invest in yourself, some much needed self-care to release some of the symptoms of stress, whilst discovering some useful insights into managing stress with more grace & ease – because you can!

To confirm your spot just email me quoting March Mini Retreat & I will send you details – be quick though because places are limited!